Monday, March 9, 2009

When should You use Bidvertiser?

When should you use bidvertiser? This is very important post because it's a crucial decision as there are other similar types of pay per click affiliate program.

I always talk about how to make money online with bidvertiser on this blog but do you know when should you use bidvertiser? It is true that Adsense is the best pay per click affiliate program. After adsense comes bidvertiser. So which one should you use adsense or bidvertiser? If you ask me, I will strongly suggest you to use Adsense at first place. Adsense is far better then bidvertiser in many respect of making money online. Although Adsense too have some minus point but that' very less in comparison of plus point. Bidvertiser should be used only as an alternative of Adsense.

So when should we really use bidvertiser on our blog?

First of all if you want to diversify your income. You can use bidvertiser along with adsense. Try to use them in different blogs. If you want to use both adsense and bidvertiser on same blog then always change the color of both ads so that they can easily differentiate which is adsense and which is bidvertiser otherwise it is against Google Adsense TOS. Placing both adsense and bidvertiser ads can actually be an advantage because you will get a variety of ads on your site. This is perfect because visitors to websites usually enjoy a “variety.” I personally get sick of seeing the same ads over and over, and am sure many others do. Statistics have shown that using both Google Adsense and Bidvertiser actually has quite effective results.

Secondly you can use bidvertiser when you are banned by Google Adsense or ditched by them. Most of the people switch to bidvertiser only when they are banned by adsense because they are left with no other option and bidvertiser is the best alternative of adsense plus people are attracted towards bidvertiser because of its low $20 payout through paypal. Most people don't like payment through check because it takes a long time to reach us which isn't with paypal. Don't try bidvertiser first, always go for adsense if you want to make more money after that you are always welcome to this blog and to bidvertiser.

Although many people complain that they earn very less with bidvertiser but I saw some people who are making decent money through bidvertiser. It's sure that earning will be less in compared to adsense. It should be clear by bidvertiser being in second place. I will talk about some bidvertiser tips and tricks later in the coming posts which will surely increase your bidvertiser earning per day or per month.

Now I am sure you know when you should use bidvertiser. You are smart enough. Think well and decide. Best of Luck :)