Hi friends, When I first started online business like 2 years back I searched a lot in the Google search engine about various ways to make money online for Indian people but I didn't found any good source of results particularly there are no any particular company or website dedicated to help Indian people in helping them make money online, I got some but most of them are scams.
I am soon going to create a new blog dedicating for Indian people in helping them to Make Money Online. Online business is still not much popular in India. In our area and college, I am only one who is in the online business and earning some decent money like $200-$300 per month. I am not earning much till now because I can't devote a lot of time. But I am sure I will achieve my aim of earning $1000-$2000 per month within 2-3 years without any problem. All my friends in the college and area are all surprised by this kind of earnings I make per month through online.
Mean while, this bidvertiser pay per click program is for every one irrespective of the country. Anyone can participate from all over the world and earn decent money. So any Indians who are interested in making money online are invited to join and create bidvertiser account and learn how to put bidvertiser code on the blog and start making money online with bidvertiser. You can also go for adsense if you want, Adsense is also a similar program with same concept and better than bidvertiser too. You should always try to use bidvertiser as an alternative to adsense. I will write in details later in the up coming post how bidvertiser is the best alternative to adsense.
So friends, I have already got some mails from the visitors that this make money online with bidvertiser has helped them a lot in earning more money from the bidvertiser because some of the bidvertiser tips and tricks I shared here can't be found in any other place. I have written them through my experience only and I hope this post and this blog will also help the Indian people in their journey of making money in the Internet like it did to other people. Please don't hesitate to leave a comment or feedback after reading every post in this blog. If you ever need to ask a question then you can ask itself in the comment section.
Anyway welcome to the make money online with bidvertiser blog and best of luck in your journey!!!